Friday, September 12, 2008

so. i'm home this weekend. and...we're GETTING A NEW PUPPY TONIGHT :-D. This is sseriously like adopting a baby to me. i"m so f'ing excited. Thats the only thing good going on in my life right now. so..I'm done. haha

Friday, September 5, 2008

it is f'ing HOT in massachusetts right now.
i have the worlds comfiest bed in my dorm room..and i can't even enjoy it because it's too warm and snuggly. what. the. hell.

anyways. im back at schooll..i already made a little "oopsy daisy" on the first day of class. but lets not get into it.
other than that, the classes are alright, i <3 the roomie, and the room. they REDID THE BATHROOMS and it feels like im in a 4 star hotel. or just a really nice dorm. but they never put in air is not well. hahaha

i went to a house party last night with my old roomate, and it was boiling. it was like a huge sweat party. it was gross. then on the shuttle back, i almost sat in puke. that was even MORE gross..grosser? who knows. i wanted to gag though.

apparently you need to be incredibly intoxiated to tolerate things. hahaha
just kidding. im no alchy.

umm..i have no classes on fridays :) so im sitting at my desk, waiting for my straightener to heat up..which will be in about...2 seconds.
then im going to run some errands (after i straighten the hair.)
then im having a roomie bonding WEEKEND

maybe it will be cold.

el fin.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

it hasnt been tooooo long....

hahaha heeyy everyone.
i just realized i haven't been on here since last november...sorry to all 5 people that might read it hahaah.

Summer's over and I go back to school on TUESDAY. oh joy. But i'm actually KIND of excited??? I'm not a new student there anymore, I know my roomate, i know my way around, its cool. Not too excited for my classes though.

BUT i AM excited for this january :) i'm preetttyyy sure that I'm going to friggin AUSTRALIA to study a semester abroad. amazing?? I think so. Jealous?? You should be.
hahaha..It's not definite yet though, I still have to finish my application hahaha..but its getting there.

umm this summer has kind of been a dud. I've just been working constantly, trying to save up tons and tons of money, no chance really to have fun.

i read A LOT of books 13 or something. (it takes me like less than a day to read a book if i like it)...and yes. i did succum to the pressure, and i read the Twilight series. and i LOVED it. loved. loved. loved. it. it took me a day for each book, and im just starting to re-read them. I read a couple jodi picoult books as well as jennifer weiners, plus some more.

it's kind of insane that i'm already a junior in college, when it feels like just yesterday I was a junior in high school. It's scary to think that in less than 2 years from now i'll be completely done, and be a bonified ADULT. i know techincally i guess I'm considered an adult....but it doesnt feel like..i mean i only just turned 20 like 2 months ago...anyways..the idea of me finding a CAREER freaks me oujt. part of me just wishes i did what i always wanted to do, and just drop everything, move to LA and be an actress. But I have no money, and i dont care how badly i want it, im not living in a box while i wait for my "chance to shine." So that dream is on hold indefinitely. sucks. But I figure if i'm going to get a college degree, my career choice should be as close to the entertainment industry as possible, like doing PR or something. Idk yet. I know none of you really care about this by the way hahaha.

hmm..what else is newwww???
The beginning of the summer, we had to put my 15 year old dog down :( one of the saddest days ever. My other dog is still depressed, so we think we might get a puppy to cheer her up (and us up too) we've been checking like twice a day every day, and calling pounds (we're against pet stores).

alright. this post is ridiculously long and very boring. I'm sorry to all of you that just had precious moments of your lives wasted on this.
ooh welll
ookk PEACE.

Friday, November 16, 2007

everytime we turn the lights ooutt

is it bad that i have britneys song stuck in my head??
is it bad that i want to buy her new cd too????

oh well

anyways. im back, reporting to you from where else but my bed

only ive actually dont stuff today, as opposed to yesterday...

i woke up at 8...went to class until around 10:15, then signed up for classes at 1020...luckily i got into all of my first choices...because i didnt have any alternate ones picked out, or the course book with i wouldve been screewweedd. haha

so i downloaded a free trial version of photoshop yesterday because im a loser, and i have NO IDEA how to use it.
so if anyone knows...then please tell me.
so far i know how to get rid of blemishes...and give people star tatoos...haha
i want to learn how to make people skinny!

i also want some iced coffee.

and food.

and a car that works (mine recently bit the dust...we think.)

i really dont know why i started this blog, nothing remotely exciting ever happens to me.
i apologize sad as my life is, its kind of more sad (..sadder??) that people read this..and take time out of their life to read about my boring one.


ookkk, im done.
for now.
ta ta.

OH . and ive recently become OBSESSED with the Fray, but pre-over my head...listen to "unsaid" by them, amazing.

P.S. if i knwo you...and you live near me..someone feel like driving me to providence place mall on wednesday????? kc needs some new shooess.

ookk bye.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

soo ive barely moved since my post last night. I'm in my bed again, but thats only because i just woke up. Im a lucky girl and dont have class until 2:30 on thursdays, so I get to sleep in :)

im debating on whether to go home this weekend or not. I have to get my hair cut and stuff sometime before thanksgiving, and im not sure what time they're open til on the day before

..and its really hard for me to get there during the week..because my car is currently undriveable. so i have to use my parents, and they work during the week.

but my roomate's staying here this weekend, and ive been going home a lot (so has she though...) so i should stay

im sorry im boring all you guys (...maybe the whole 3 that read this) with this crap.
but im half asleep so deal with it.

uumm..i have to register for classes for next semester tomorrow morning at 10:20
which means i get to leave my psych class a little early (it ends at 10:20 but i need time to come back to my room and make sure the classes i want are still open and stuff)
leaving class early is always fun :)

uummm...i chugged a whole bottle of ice cold water last night. it was delicious. trying to think of something witty and clever to say to end this thing...but i got nothing.

i think it just thundered. there you have it. witty AND clever.
im stupid.
k bye!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

new to this!

Hey! I havent had a blog in a few years, but i figrued i'd give it a shot again.
My name's Casey and I'm a sophomore at a teeennny tiny little college in massachusetts, and im from a teeny tinnyy little town in mass.
Im a transfer student from a HUGE college in New York.

but anyway. I am currently watching "pushing daisies" on Fox with my roomate. and we're having cocktails. aka: orange juice and vanilla smirnoff in a plastic cup with a straw (i know...classy right)

its almost thanksgiving. which is my all time FAVORITE holiday. we have about 20 something crazy relatives over my house. its a grand old time.

I was home this weekend (most people go home on the weekends at my school) for the long weekend, but didnt end up comming back here until this morning (im a bad kid, i skipped classes yesterday) im tired.

the weather around here is so bipolar. over the weekend it was like freezing it was 60 degrees (i know, what a heat wave)..i was actually motivated to go to the gym!!! (thats a once in a lifetime type of thing)

uumm..ok thats it. im going to finish sipping my cocktail and watching tv in my pj's, on my bed.
later gators